Japanese Service Dog Resource Center

Japanese Service Dog Resource Center


Becoming a Hub for Information About Service Dogs, and Moving Toward a Truly Universally Designed Society That Treats All People and Animals Kindly


In addition to raising social awareness and familiarity of service dogs,  the nonprofit Japan Service Dog Resource Center is, for the purpose of driving the social participation and rehabilitation of people with disabilities, providing information and consultation from the standpoint of a neutral third party.


▷Implementation of provision of information regarding third-party consultation
▷Special organizations for provision of information on consultation for dogs that have not been trained
▷Support of Executive Office for the Promotion of Assistance Dogs
▷Mechanisms for provision of information
▷Resource centers for the aggregation of opinions of concerned parties

Through the raising of public awareness and communication of information regarding universal design for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, they are making use of various networks and aiming toward the realization of a new universal design society.


NameJapanese Service Dog Resource Center
RepresentativeTomoko HASHIZUME
Address1688-1-B203 nippa-cho, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama-city, Kanagawa 223-0057 JAPAN
参加URL(日本語) http://www.jsdrc.jp/news_event/


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